Gas Logistics

3D CCS H2020

The 3D (DMX Demonstration Dunkirk) is CCS project located to Arcelor Mittal steelmill in Dunkerque (France).


Technology screening and coceptual design of a floating liquifaction unit for natural gas (FLNG). Planned production capacity is 3.5 Mt/a.

CO2 carrier

LCO2 carrier with two bilobe tanks with a total capacity of 10 800 m3 CO2. Operational pressure is 15 barg. The ship is optimized for ...

CO2 Green Tanker

LCO2 carrier developed for transport of CO2 from europe to the midle east and with the potential for crude return cargo

CO2 logistics report

The study was conducted together with Element Energy, SINTEF and IOM Law.

Golar MK-II (FLNG)

Floating liquifaction unit for natural gas (FLNG). The facility is based on conversion of a Moss LNG carrier. A new hull hull section with liquifaction ...

Ichthys FPSO

The Ichtys FPSO is a faciltiy for treatment of condensate from the Ichtys gas field. The facilty has an utra-long desing life of 40 year without going of the field.

LCO2 carrier for direct injection 27 kt

A ship for direct transport of CO2 from the emitters industrial site to an offshore storage reservoir. At the storage location the ship will conect to ...

LCO2 carrier for direct injection 50 kt

A ship for direct transport of CO2 from the emitters industrial site to an offshore storage reservoir. At the storage location the ship will conect to ...