Our Services

Brevik Engineering's design process follows defined phases starting with "feasibility", ending with "construction follow on and commissioning". As the design process proceeds the level of engineering gets more and more detailed. Our definition of design phases has reference both to American Association of Cost Engineering (AACEi) and to common industry praxis.

Level of engineering

Feasibility Studies

At this stage the technical and commercial feasibility of a proposed projects will be evaluated. Much of the engineering will qualitative cross discipline activities conducted in interaction with client. Discipline specific engineering is limited high risk areas. Feasibility studies may form the basis for cost estimates class 5 (AACEi).

Concept development

One or several of the concepts, found feasible, will be developed, main dimensions, and capabilities will be defined. Several concepts may be studied in parallel. A substantial amount of discipline specific engineering will be performed such a global strength analysis, stability calculations and weight estimates. This phase is also referred to as Pre-FEED . The level of engineering may form the basis for class 4 or 3 (AACEi)cost estimates.

Basic Engineering

Also referred to as FEED stage (front end engineering) involves all engineering task needed for class approval of the design. Further the engineering deliverables may form the basis for a class 2 (AACEi) cost estimate.

Detail Engineering

In this phase engineering is develop further to a level with sufficent detail for construction.

Construction Follow on and commissioning

During construction a range of engineering may be provided. Such activities include technical procurement supprt, quality control and final commissioning.


Research and Development will normally not be related to development of a client specific facility. Level of engineering will vary from case to case. Brevik Engineering is involved in several joint industry R&D projects.


Structural design

Arrangement and 3D modelling/drawing of metal structures. Structural analysis: strength analyses of ships and floating offshore structures, considering  ultimate, fatigue and serviceability conditions.


Calculations and arrangement of ventilations and heating systems.


Process design and mass flow simulation, definition for operational modes, calculation of utility requirements, specification of equipment and controls.

Electrical power systems

Calculation and design of electrical power generation-  distribution- and control systems. Power analysis and short circuit calculations.

Instrumentation and Telecom

Configuration sensors and instrumentation. Information transfer signals and information.

Technical - commercial

Technical-economic studies, cost engineering, risk management and audits, procurement support.

Layout, cross discipline

Functional analysis and specification. Overall arrangement to accommodate for the facilities’ primary functions, safety systems, support functions and maintenance functions. Arrangement is done both in 2D and 3D.

Machinery and System

Configuration and arrangement of machinery and utility systems. The discipline applies a range of engineering techniques such as hydraulics, pneumatics, piping, mechanics and process simulations.

Hydro dynamics and static

Also referred to as Naval Architecture. Design of hull shapes, motion and load analysis. Hull stability calculations, hull resistance and propulsion calculations.