Other Marine Structures

2rd Party Review Dolwin Beta

Dolvwin Beta is a high voltage direct current export hub for windpower north of the German Frisian coast. The platform has the shape of a semi...

H6e Drilling Semi

Substrukture for Akers H6e drilling rigs.

MaMA Haven JS

Refurbishment / up-grade accommodation platform

Marine Warranty Sheringham Shoal

Warrenty serveyor services in connection with wind mill installation at the Sheringham Shoal wind park.

Offshore fish farm

Ocean Farm 1 is a 110 m diameter fishfarm. The fishfarm is deployed in semi-offshore condition on the Norwagian west coast.

RWE Dea DD Siri

Party Due Diligence for licens partner RWE during acquisition process including the following scope...

Smart Fishfarm

Smart Fishfarm has a diameter of 150 m. The faciltiy is planned to be installed offshore in the Norwegian Sea.

TrollA TPC34 EPCic

3th party review of desigsn and documentation